Aug 23, 2012

Manual Drawing for Beginer TUTORIAL

pencil on paper
manual drawing for beginer
Picture below is a photo of my gf, but when I draw it, she's not my gf. This was about two years ago.

 -find a comfortable place for you-
Pencil 2B, (lyra or fabercastel recomended)
eraser (up to you)
A4 paper ( if you are going pro, you can play with size, A3, A2, or A1).

 carilah objek wajah dari sisi samping, itu mempermudah kita belajar. apabila sudah terbiasa, bisa dikembangkan bentuk wajah dari sisi depan lalu yang berambut gimbal, kriting, mohak dll

 sketching face and hair use a thin line. (look at the picture above)
pertama buat sketsa bentuk wajahnya, asal asalan aja mengunakan garis tipis, yang penting cari posisi yang tepat dan mirip. (lihat gambar diatas tempat yang bertanda merah)

specify the position of the eyes, nose and mouth
tentukan posisi mata garis hidung, hidung dan mulut, menggunakan garis tipis. Kira kira aja jaraknya supaya mirip.

drawing eyes
1.  light effect because of water reflection (soft)
2. eyes shape (medium)
3. eyes black shape (strong) pencil 5B for option
4. eyes fill (medium) shading from no 3 to no 5 centered (arsiran berpusat ke pupil)
5. pupil (strong) 5B option
6. light reflection (soft)

soft = light 0% - 20% black
medium = 50 - 70% black
strong = 90% - 100% Black

draw the mouth and nose using the same technique.
look at the picture below and see the shading. for mounth, ear, nouse, eyes, etc.

download image for large size.
shading technique.  light side and dark side/shadow

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